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Maine Shelled Lobster's Commitment to You

Maine lobster claw and knuckle meat

Order lobster online

Order lobster online and enjoy the convenience of frozen lobster meat delivered to your doorstep!

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people laughing and preparing lobster in kitchen

Maine Lobster How-To's & recipes

We understand that being a lobster lover means wanting to savor every moment, from start to finish. That's why we're here to offer guidance and support throughout your entire lobster experience, including ordering, preparation, cooking techniques, and recipe suggestions.

View Lobster how-to Videos
Maine lobster boat on water with lobaster pot

Wild caught lobster

Lobster meat is wild caught and sustainably harvested by small fishing operations in the North Atlantic and flash-frozen soon after to retain high protein levels and consistent flavor, year-round.


Learn How-to cook lobster meat

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